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Pilot surgery, guided surgery

Our profession is undergoing a rapid transformation in terms of digital technology and our practices! Let’s start at the beginning…

New technologies are introduced and become more common over the years, to the point of bringing CBCT and 3D printers into actual surgeries and laboratories.

Access to planning software has become easier and more widespread in recent years. Planning for dental surgeons/prosthetists has thus actually become prosthesis-guided.

Associated with the surgical guide used for pilot or guided surgery, this practice is being adopted by increasing numbers of implantologists.



Guided surgery, pilot surgery… 2 institutions, 2 techniques for more precision and less risk of axis deviation!

Guided surgery allows for drilling and implant placement entirely via the guide, while pilot surgery only allows passage of the pilot drill via the surgical guide; the drilling sequences and implant placement are then performed freehand.

These less invasive surgical techniques save time for the surgeon and patient during the actual surgery, thus enabling optimisation of the post-operative course.



What about Global D?

These changes mean that, as industrial partners, we must be able to simplify the processes to make these techniques accessible to your dental surgeons and patients, while helping you to change your practices.

Global D is therefore committed to proposing open digital solutions adapted to these changes:

  • Our implant libraries are proposed in most of the planning software packages available on the market,
  • A full guided surgery kit,
  • And…. our digital therapeutic range is being extended! We are launching a pilot surgery kit…

A full, digital range for the majority of the clinical cases you have to deal with!


Find out more with Patricia MIEGE GAUDIN, dental group manager at Global D.

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Customised, 100% digital, one-piece, weld-free