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Made in France in the spotlight...

We would like to start by thanking Spot Implant for their article and continue...

…Continue to focus on our fundamentals, which were our main concerns in 2020. [Read the interview: “In 2020, we returned our focus to our fundamentals” in the June 2021 edition of Global News].

Global D is a company that takes pride in manufacturing in France, and in contributing to the collective effort and re-industrialisation of France. This is why we joined the French Fab movement in 2021, to support the voice of French industrial know-how in France and internationally.


As recalled by the Spot Implant article “Made in France in the spotlight of dental implantology sector”, Global D does indeed specialise in the functional and aesthetic rehabilitation of maxillaries. Over thirty regional teams located throughout France help dental and maxillofacial surgeons every day, as veritable partners in their surgical acts. They help to convey our vision of dental implantology in the field: in dental implantology, there are multiple factors that determine success and the quality of results can only be evaluated in the long term. This said, from an industrial point of view, we focus on three major concerns, which, in our opinion, guarantee durability and thus guide our product developments.

  • The first is the osseous integration of restorations. This obviously includes the relationship between the surface finish of the implant and the bone, as well as the capacity of implant design to preserve the bone level and tissue capital in general.
  • The second is the periodontal integration of implant-based restorations, which cannot be dissociated from the above. Periodontal integration is probably the main challenge in ensuring durability, due to the fragility of the biological space around the implant. It is also what we believe to be the main opportunity for manufacturer’s to express themselves today.
  • Finally, the third concern is the mechanical integration of the prosthesis. Implant prostheses are particularly static in a resilient oral environment, often with missing teeth and that evolves as the patient ages. Being constantly subject to loading, the whole restoration must distribute the occlusal forces as evenly as possible over the entire system. The assemblies must be as stable and passive as possible, to prevent micro-movements and constraint concentrations that can cause not only fatigue at the interfaces, but also bacterial percolation and ultimately tissue stability.


For Global D, these three subjects are interdependent and must all be optimised conjointly in the product design. The value of the final chain will obviously depend on its weakest link.

As a responsible player in the medical field, we are deeply committed to this overall vision that we strive to transpose via our products made in France and their protocols for use in dental surgeries that share our vision.

Made In France - French Fab - Global News Global D - June 2021

Find out more: download Global News June 2021.

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Made In France visite de Global D

Thank you Spot Implant for promoting Global D!