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Graft Bone Regeneration & Soft Tissue Management

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Who should attend?

Any dental surgeon general practitioner willing to master GBR, soft tissue management and aesthetic to recommend suitable therapeutic treatments to all patients.


Theoretical and practical objectives:
  • To understand the meaning of maxillary and mandibular’s incision lines,
  • To prepare the surgical site,
  • To optimize the placement of the membrane and / or cortical lamina and allograft particles,
  • To understand and manage the soft tissues around teeth and implants.


ROG-Dr Carole Leconte

Dr. Carole LECONTE


  • A graduate from University of Toulouse, France, in 1999,
  • Laureate of the university in 2001.


She is a lectures nationally and internationally (SAPO implant, SNIF, ADF, SFPIO (Paris), CURAIO (Lyon), SFPIO (Paris, Rennes, ), IMCI (Paris), Miami School Institute (Lisbon).

Visiting professor for the European University Degree of Implanvology in Casablanca, and National University Degree in Corte, Evry, Créteil, Salpétrière hospital, Saint-Joseph hospital.

Programma di formazione


Surgical bone reconstruction therapeutics with allograft: the various indications and techniques

  • Suitable equipment and effective implementation
  • Width bone augmentation
  • 3D reconstruction alternative with cortical lamina and vertical gain
  • Sinus lift and GBR (graft bone regeneration) options
  • Palate connective graft
  • Vestibular deepening
  • Buried connective tissue graft
  • Epithelium-connective tissue graft on crestal ridge
  • Roots treatment with Erbium Yag laser
  • Tunneling graft technique

Clinical application: Live surgeries (comments and debrief)

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