The principle of the Cryotek gas system is the application of cold via the projection of medical CO2 gas at a low temperature
Our machine releases a dry, odourless gas at a temperature of -78°C and at a pressure of 50 bar via a microcrystal diffuser.
The main aim is the analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect on the patient. The vasoconstriction caused by the action of the intense cold and the pressure of the gas permits tissue drainage and encourages the reduction of postoperative oedema(1). The treatment is maximally effective between 30 seconds and 1 minute.
(1) Marie-Reine Bollack, Astrid Wilk “Etude du traitement de l’œdème en chirurgie maxillo-faciale par la cryothérapie gazeuse” (Study of the treatment of oedema in maxillofacial surgery by gas cryotherapy). Kinésithérapie Scientifique No.381, September 1998.