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Bone Level Revisited Approach

In-Kone® Revisited Bone Level Implantology: In-Kone® is a Bone Level type implant, the implant shoulder can be positioned under the cortical bone.

The In-Kone® implant is a bone level type of implant. However, with respect to biological status, the positioning of the implant shoulder was revised so that the roughened chamfer could be sited under the cortical bone.

The aim of this positioning was to remove all constraints from the bony crest and recreate a favourable environment for setting the implant(1). The peri-implant bone plates support the mucosa and contribute to the aesthetic rendering of restorations.

With the In-Kone® system, this surgical technique is combined with use of “tulip” prosthetic components which are designed to reduce the route of entry for potentially undesirable bacteria and thicken the mucosal divisions(2).



The In-Kone® UNIVERSAL has a cylindro-conical profile. The variable depth double thread was created to provide both rapid progression of screw fixation of the implant into its socket and primary stability even in low density bone. The self-tapping double thread groove allows to avoid the passage of a screw tap.

The UNIVERSAL profile is particularly recommended for immediate loading and post extraction socket implantation.


Product Concept_In-Kone® Universal vs Profile


The In-Kone® PRIMO has a slightly tapered profile. It has a simple thread, of regular depth, which provides more progressive screw fixation, particularly noticeable in high density bones. The implant is also self-tapping. In combination with the ULTIMATE drilling protocol, the In-Kone® Primo enables precision control of the vertical depth of the implant neck at the time of screw fixation into the bone.


The SA2 surface condition is obtained by sandblasting followed by etching. Il It is certified ultraclean by international academy Clean Implant Foundation based in Berlin, Germany.


Concept Product_Clean Implant In-Kone® & Logo


3 weeks after placement of the implant in dogs, bone healing showed contact osteogenesis. The points of the implant threads were sited in the bone of the bone ridge of the implant site and new cancellous bone was visible in the thread spaces. The thread was not completely filled but the presence of many osteoblasts and osteoid tissue indicated that bone formation was underway.


After 12 weeks, the thread spaces were filled with newly formed bone. The remodelling was started: The primary bone was replaced by secondary osteons which was evidence of an advanced change process.

Dr C. Boll et al. Soft-tissue and marginal bone-adaptation on platform switched implants.with a morse cone connection: a histomorphometric study in dogs. The Intern. J. of Period. & Rest. Dent. (2015)


Concept Product_In-Kone® SA2 and 3, SEM Crowns

The ULTIMATE surgical protocol drills have a double cutting face which facilitates progression of the drill through the bone.  Laser markings which are striking facilitate visibility of movements during irrigation. The double thread grooves ensure excavation of bone slurry during rotation.


Product Concept_Ulimate Surgery Kit


The homothetic shape of the drills similar to the profile of the In-Kone® UNIVERSAL & PRIMO implants enables initial stable bone-implant connection and a primary anchorage which is uniformly spread over all threads held in the bone.


Friction cone type connection

Implants in the In-Kone range have a friction cone type connection. In bone level type implantology, the clinic currently seems unanimous about the superiority of such connections for peri-implant tissue remodelling.

This superiority is due to the antibacterial hermetic properties of cones and their ability to inhibit prosthetic micromovements(3). The risk of bacterial leaking can be significantly reduced compared to flat connections, in this way better preserving the integrity of the peri-implant biologic width.


Product Concept_ULTIMATE® Surgery Kit

The ULTIMATE surgical protocol drills feature a double cutting edge to make it easier to advance the drill into the bone.

Remarkable laser markings make them easy to read when moving back and forth under irrigation.

The double helical grooves ensure that any bone slurry is removed during rotation.


The shape of the drills matches the shape of the In-Kone® UNIVERSAL & PRIMO implants, providing initial bone-implant intimacy and primary anchorage evenly distributed over all the threads engaged in the bone.


Friction cone connection

Implants in the In-Kone® range have a friction cone connection.

In Bone Level implantology, clinicians today seem unanimous on the superiority of such connections with regard to peri-implant tissue remodelling.


This superiority is attributed to the anti-bacterial hermeticity of the cones and their ability to defuse prosthetic micro-movements(3).

The risk of bacterial percolation is said to be significantly reduced compared with flat-plate connections, thereby better preserving the integrity of the peri-implant biological space.


Product Concept_Cortical Bone_In-Kone® on site

Roughened chamfered shoulder

Along with the friction cone type connection, the In-Kone® neck was designed to enable ergonomic subcortical positioning of the implant.

The 45° chamfer aims to prevent a round sharp edge from being in contact with the cortical bone or the cancellous-cortical junction, and so reduce the risk of concentration of damaging mechanical constraints in this location(4).

The SA² type roughness of the chamfered part aims to promote healing then bone setting of the implant at the crestal level.


Conventional prosthetic components

The narrow, ‘tulip-shaped’ periodontal profile of standard prosthetic components has been designed with the aesthetic appearance of transmucosal restorations in mind.

The rearrangement of a peripheral seal that is as thick as possible reduces the risk of greyish reflections that are sometimes visible on thin periodontal tissues(5).

The profile of the components is homothetic to that of the healing screws (biological signatures of the emergence profile) so as not to exert tension on the connective fibres or crush the soft tissues when the prosthesis is fitted.


Prosthetic components for CAD/CAM

The CAD/CAM solution offered by Global D is an open solution that enables any laboratory equipped with a milling machine to offer customised prostheses that meet the industrial tolerance constraints defined by Global D.

By complying with a manufacturing process specific to custom machining, the laboratory is committed to preserving the integrity of the In-Kone® prosthetic interfaces and thus the periodontal integration of implant-supported prosthetic restorations.

In-Kone® Guided Surgery


Product Concept_Pilot Surgery and Surgery Kit ULTIMATE G 42 + G52


Guided surgery can be a less invasive technique when flap surgery is not required. It has been shown that guided surgery reduces post-operative pain compared to this (6).

With guided surgery, the procedure time is reduced with a gain in comfort. Guided surgery is also useful for patients with a complicated history. The guided surgery solution offered with the In-Kone® system allows the surgeon to treat the case and avoid to perform complex treatment which sometimes have a complicated postoperative course.


(1) Evaluation of load transfer characteristics of five different implants in compact bone at different load levels by finite element analysis . D. Boskaya (2004)
(1) Influence du placement juxta crestal ou sous crestal de l’implant sur le remodelage osseux - Publié le 17.01.2019. L'Information Dentaire
(2) M. Redamagni . Soft tissue stability with immediate implant and concave abutments (2009)
(3) Microleakage at the Different Implant Abutment Interface: A Systematic Review, Mishra SK (2017)
(3) The Micromechanical Behavior of Implant Abutment Connections Under a Dynamic Load Protocol. Zipprich (2018)
(4) Evaluation of load transfer characteristics of five different implants in compact bone at different load levels by finite element analysis . D. Boskaya (2004)
(5) D. Farronato Influence of the implant abutment connection on the ratio between height and thickness of tissues at the buccal zenith: a randomized controlled trial on 188 implants placed in 104 patients (2020)
(6) Fortin (2006), Arisan (2010), Nkenk (2007)