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Les Essentiels 2025

News, Les Essentiels celebrates its 10th anniversary in 2025!

The orthodontic-surgical revolution: towards a preserving management approach

Orthodontics and orthognathic surgery are constantly evolving to offer more effective, less invasive and less painful solutions for patients. The 10th edition of Les Essentiels highlights the latest advances in the field, particularly in the overall management of orthodontic and orthognathic surgery patients …..


Patient management is at the heart of Essentiels 2025 and is based on a fundamental principle: the preservative approach!

This year’s program will highlight technological advances, new methodologies and the implementation of protocols with the intention of treating orthodontic-surgical cases less invasively, while ensuring optimal results; underlining the importance of moving towards gentler, more patient-friendly practices.



Discover the 10th edition’s president:


Dr. Clémentine VINCENT                  Dr. Raphaël FILIPPI

Maxillo-facial surgeon                      Orthodontist

Hyères                                                  Lyon


Discover the pre-programme* of this 10th edition:

*Non-exhaustive program


Thursday, January 23rd

PRE-COURS | 9:00 am – 12:30 pm

  • Management of transverse direction: what are the limits of orthodontics, when should surgery be performed? How to make a good MARPE? – Dr. Julia GARCIA BAEZA
  • Class III: Surgery in the period of growth. Dogmas and changing practices – Pr. Michel LEGALL & Pr. Camille PHILIP ALLIEZ
  • Patient care – Dr. Christophe DUNGLAS & Pr. Jean Baptiste CHARRIER
  • Minimally invasive surgical approach – Dr. Jonathas CLAUS & Dr. Felix Jose AMARISTA



Dr.Jonathas CLAUS & Dr. Felix Jose AMARISTA

  • Minimally Invasive Orthognathic Surgery Step by Step for the maxilla
  • The first mistakes adopting Minimally Invasive Orthognathic Surgery for the maxilla
  • Recorded surgery with live commentary “LeFort I minimally invasive surgery”.



Dr. Paul CRESSEAUX, Dr. Sébastien NICOLAS & Dr. Raphaël FILIPPI

  • Minivis, Abalakov, Ramic anchorage, update on anchorage techniques




Friday, January 24th

SYMPOSIUM | 9:00 am – 6:00 pm

  • Social networks: Friend or foe? – Maître Véronique ESTEVE
  • Simulation before and after? What are the latest developments? – Dr. Jean Christophe LUTZ
  • Bone anchors associated with minimally invasive corticotomy – Pr. Carole CHARAVET
  • Aligners and surgery: which protocol to use? – Dr. Pierre Antoine DIAN
  • Use of powder syringes and blocks to harmonize the profile of genioplasties – Dr. Julien DAVROU
  • Diagnosis and planning in the MIOS approach – Dr. Jonathas CLAUS & Dr Felix José AMARISTA
  • Advanced digital surgical planning techniques and tips –  Dr. Charles SAVOLDELLI
  • Managing post-operative pain and edema, alternative solutions and scientific reality – Dr. Olivier ESNAULT
  • Post-operative orthodontic management – Post-operative adjustment – Dr. Guillaume JOSEPH
  • Mixed Reality and Artificial Intelligence in Arthroscopic Surgery: What’s new in 2024 – Dr. Bertrand SONNERY-COTTET


+ 1 pre-conference day + 1 day symposium + 1 gala evening